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Anguilla Talk Forum - Terms of Use Policy - Revision 5
Dates: Revised March 22, 2008. Policy in place since 1998.

Terms of Use: By using the Anguilla Talk forum, you agree to adhere to all requirements of this policy and to be liable for any damage resulting from a violation of any of the terms in this policy or a violation of the laws of Anguilla or a violation of the laws of your legal jurisdiction, given you reside in a location other than Anguilla. This policy is subject to change without notice and should be referenced before each use. 

Anguilla Talk Forum (referred to in this document as 'forum' ) means the internet forum linked via www.anguillanews.com, www.anguillalife.com or www.anguillatalk.com , registered on Bravenet.com and managed by AnguillaLNT.

Contact : For any queries with respect to the forum email, editor@anguillanews.com

Abuse Monitoring & Reporting:: Abuse is defined as any post that defies the policy guidelines outlined in this
document. It is the sole responsibility of the user of the forum to monitor the content of his/her post. Users are expected to report any abuse on the forum to editor@anguillanews.com.

Message Content Guidelines

The views expressed in this forum are the opinions of the submitting author and DO NOT represent the views of the owners or hosts of this website. By using this forum each user agrees to accept ALL responsibility for all/any information he/she posts. In addition each user agrees to adhere to the specifici guidelines outlined in this document.  

Message Posts:

  1. The use of Profane and /or Vulgar language and/or references is strictly prohibited. Do not use any such language when posting a message.
  2. Do not Post any message supporting and/or promoting acts of violence or any other actions that violate the laws of Anguilla and your country of residence (if you do not reside in Anguilla).
  3. Do not use the forum for any malicious or defamatory statement against any individual or business for any reason whatsoever.
  4. Do not use the forum to slander the name of any individual or business for any reason whatsoever.
  5. Do not use multiple aliases on a single post.
  6. Do not post multiple instances of the same topic.

    Important Note:  The content of your message is not monitored prior to appearing on the website AND you do not have the ability to edit the content of a message on this forum after it has been posted. Requests to delete a message may be sent to editor@anguillanews.com with a clear statement defending your request for deletion.

Message content by specific subject matter

  1. Religion: Open respectful discussion of differences or similarities in religious beliefs is permitted. However, it is strictly prohibited to use the forum  for a religious crusade.
  2. Sexuality: Open respectful discussions on social issues regarding sexual orientation, sexual abuse or sex practices will be permitted on the forum. However, it is strictly prohibited to post explicit sexual content or solicit sexual partners on the forum.
  3. Politics: Political discussions not directly relating to Anguilla are strictly prohibited.
  4. Race: Open respectful discussions on social issues regarding Race will be permitted. However, bigoted or racist statements are strictly prohibited.

Caution:  All users are strongly encouraged NOT to interpret all messages* posted on this forum as being factual without further independent verification by him/her self.  *Messages refer to all postings that are not "locked" and "sticky".


  • Direct advertising, is strictly prohibited on the Anguilla Talk Forum.
  • Requests to have a Community Bulletin posted free of charge should be made to editor@anguillanews.com. If approved , the bulletin will be posted by "Admin", made "Sticky" and "Locked" at the top of forum.
  • Requests for Paid Advertising to be posted on the Forum should be sent directly editor@anguillanews.com.
  • Advertising by any user will be considered as a a violation of our forum policy.
  • Businesses will be held liable for the cost of advertising on the website via message posts.

Anonymity: By agreeing and adhering to this policy, users are granted open access to the forum and may post
messages anonymously1.

Users who are granted "Registered" access to the site, who agree to and adheres to the this policy
may post messages anonymously. In such circumstances access information is not logged
and registration information is held in strict privacy.

Important Note: Defying this policy, Naming or Identifying any individual or business on this forum for
malicious or defamatory purposes is considered to be a voluntary violation of our policy.  If in the
opinion of the moderator of this forum, the posts were made with Malicious or Defamatory intent
the personal information linked to the identity of the individual posting the message may be provided
without notice to the individual or business violated or a court of law.
Deletion Policy:
The owner (s) of this website reserve the right to delete any message that in their opinion violates
the policy or lowers the standard of the site. Messages may also be deleted for server capacity reasons without notice.

Restricted Access:
The owner (s) of this site reserves the right to restrict any or all IP addresses from accessing this site.
Messages on this forum are archived with the IP address of the computer from which the post originated.
