Anguilla Stats Dept: Census Findings #14 – Industry – Preliminary Results


“How economically active were we? – What the supply looks like?”

The preliminary findings on economic activity from the Anguilla Population and Housing Census (AP&HC) 2011 indicate that the enumerated population from the data collection stage, based on the analysis was 10,390. The labour force of the non-institutional population, of persons aged 15 years and over, is divided into two groups; those currently economically active (labour force) and those currently economically inactive (not in the labour force).

The internationally accepted working age population is usually defined to be persons aged 15 – 64 years, for Anguilla, this totaled 9,367 persons. In the Anguillian context, it is recognized that children usually do not start paid work until they are not required to attend school, which is usually around the age of 17, therefore reducing the working age population for Anguilla to 8,951.

The economically active population is defined as the number of individuals employed, available and willing to work; Anguilla’s supply numbered 7,662. Out of the 7,662, there are 6,682 employed individuals that make up the labour force within the different industries2 within Anguilla. Table 2 below shows the economically active employed individuals, by industry and sex.

A response to the question, “What kind of business did ……… work at” allowed the Anguilla Statistics Department to code for the industry. This information was provided by, 6,348, (95.0%) of the employed persons.

Most employed individuals; 1,944 (29.1%) in total were employed within the ‘Hotels & Restaurants’ industry. The previous census year, AP&HC 2001 indicated that this industry also employed the majority of individuals. Further analysis into this industry show that by sex, the ‘Hotels & Restaurants’ industry, employs more females; 57.2% as compared to 42.8% males. Conversely, the share of female employment in the Construction industry increased in 2011 when compared with the data from the AP&H Census 2001, where 95.8% are males as compared to 4.2% females; an increase by 0.7%.

The industry employing the least number of individuals as per AP&HC 2011 is the ‘Agriculture & Fishing, Mining and Quarrying’ industry with 108 individuals, conversely the AP&HC 2001 figures indicated ‘Electricity, Gas and Water supply’ employed the least number of individuals.

Following the ‘Hotels and Restaurants’ industry, the other major industries of employment in 2011 are the ‘Public Administration, Defence & Compulsory Social Security’ industry with 13.8% and ‘Financial Intermediation, Real Estate, Renting and Business Activities’ industry with 10.2%.

The least employed industry for males is ‘Private Households with employed person’ of 0.44% and for females it is the Agriculture & Fishing, Mining and Quarrying’ with 0.35%.